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Whether you're just getting started, have injuries, or are at the top of your game, we have something for you.  


Take a look at these first five categories. 
If you fall into one, or more, complete those before moving on to step 2.

These routines should be done for a minimum of two weeks to see a change in the areas being targeted. These routines can be utilized ongoing or any time that you feel the need to go back to them.
Once the area that was an issue has been managed then you can move on to the routines put together necessary to build a foundation for continuing exercise

Lazy Morning

A.M. Wake Up Mobility

If you wake up tight on a regular basis. 


Shoulder Pre-hab

If you have shoulder issues and pain after exercise


Knee Stability

 If you have knee issues and pain after exercise.


Hip Pre-hab

If you have hip issues and pain after exercise.


Corrective Exercise
(for work)

If you sit or look at a computer all day at work

60-Day Starter

If you've been out for a while or were never really in to fitness, this plan will provide a great way to get you started on a new path. Click to view them all.


Now it's time to move into cardio, stability/mobility, muscular strength, and muscular endurance.  Use our FREE 60-day plan to go along with the videos provided.  


Video Library

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